RSI Prevention Advice

The condition mostly affects parts of the upper body, such as the forearm, elbow, wrist, hands, shoulders and neck. RSI is usually associated with doing a particular activity repeatedly or for a long period of time. Spending a lot of time using a computer, keyboard and mouse is a common cause of RSI.

There are some practical tips you can try that could help reduce your risk of developing RSI and other related disorders that can arise from working with computers. Whether you're using a computer at home or work, make sure your desk or table is properly set up to your specifications. For instance, a standard keyboard and mouse are adjustable devices with settings that you can change in the same way you might adjust your office chair. There are also various types of non-standard keyboards and mice available that may improve the positioning of your hands which are worth exploring - you could even consider speech recognition software! Also, if you work in an office, you could ask your workplace about getting a workstation assessment.

Your mouse
Changing the settings to slow your mouse down can greatly reduce muscle tension in your hand. Try using keyboard shortcuts instead of the mouse to navigate and execute commands.

Your keyboard
You could adjust the keyboard's key repeat rate to avoid mistakes that you then have to go back and correct. Predictive text and autocorrect features guess what you want to type and save you unnecessary keystrokes.

Take regular breaks
Do not sit in the same position for long periods. Short, regular breaks can help prevent RSI and other upper limb disorders. Movement beaks allow your muscles to relax while others take the strain. This can prevent you becoming stiff and tense.

Don’t ignore it
Repetitive strain injury (RSI) causes pain, weakness, tingling and stiffness of the muscles, tendons, ligaments, nerves or other soft tissues and joints in the upper limbs from neck to fingers. It often starts gradually and is worse when you’re at work, but it can take on a life of its own and become constant and debilitating. Nip it in the bud by taking short, frequent breaks from repetitive tasks such as typing. Check the ergonomics of your work station and try not to slouch at your desk.

Use both hands
Proper typing is key to preventing RSI. Contorting the fingers of one hand to reach more than one key at once, especially if you’re typing one-handed is a recipe for muscle strain.

It’s in the wrist action
To prevent RSI, keep wrists straight and flat when typing. Sit with thighs level, feet flat on floor (or on footrest), sit up straight, shoulders relaxed, upper arms at sides, not splayed out, forearms horizontal or tilted slightly downwards, so knees and elbows are at a right angle. Keep the top of your screen at eye level and adjust the position of your keyboard, so it’s easy to reach without stretching or hunching.

Stretching can help to prevent and manage RSI. The prayer stretch involves putting the palms of your hands together, pointing up; push to one side then the other for 15-30 seconds at a time. If stretches make RSI worse, see a physiotherapist for expert advice.

Treat yourself
There’s nothing better than prevention. But if you have symptoms of mild RSI, you can try short courses of anti-inflammatory painkillers (ibuprofen gel or tablets), hot and cold packs, elastic supports and splints. Some people are helped by yoga, massage and meditation. An expert opinion from an osteopath, physiotherapist, GP or occupational health doctor or nurse is important if symptoms persist and are severe. Referral to a joint specialist (rheumatologist) or pain clinic is a good idea in severe cases.

NHS - Tips to prevent RSI
The Guardian - 7 ways to prevent and mange RSI

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